Favorite Images

This image was taken during our first photoshoot with the DSLRs using pinholes. I like the geometric flatness of the background, as well as the diagonal symmetry between the subject in the bottom left and the window in the top right.

This image had been taken during the monocrhomatic photoshoot on my phone. I'm entirely unsure as to why I had done it, but I set my phone's ISO to 400, which, due to the lack of noise performance present in cell phones, introduced a bunch of noise to the image, which actually turned out to good effect in black and white. The relative flatness of the clouds had allowed me to pull at the levels and bring out a surreal amount of tonality in the image, calling back to images of Ansel Adams.

This image was taken during the dutch angle photoshoot in October on my phone. The image came out looking similar to this in JPEG, which I had recreated with more balanced highlights from the raw file. I aimed for a very stark, contrast-y look with the slight magenta cast to create an "off" effect.

This image was created during the double-exposure photoshoot. I had combined a portrait of Joey (taken by someone else) and "Trail Ridge Layers" from photographer Alex Burke because I liked the subdued look of the photograph with Joey double-exposed onto it.

This image was taken during the second day of our food photoshoot. I was very surprised at how nice the colors looked from the JPEGs of these entry level DSLRs; they are admittedly better than my own camera.