Why I Photograph
Originally, I had first began photographing things because I was bored. I didn't touch a camera often, and I only knew about a few elements of photography from random exposure on the internet. I believe what got me into it was when my friends and I were making a movie, Amiibola: Ultimate Edition and we were to photograph ourselves against a green screen for the movie poster.
In addition to those shots of us against the green screen, I also took candid photos of my friends during the day.

It's nothing amazing; I have 3 others from that day saved, but they're even less interesting than this image. Nonetheless, I was intrigued.
A few weeks following this, I was bored one day, searching the internet for a couple of funny photos another kid had done online where he was celebrating turning 13 years old. Unable to find them, I decided to ask my friend, Jacob: "How about we recreate it ourselves?" And so we did.

They're not good at all, but we had fun, I suggested Jacob post this on twitter. When he did, it got a substantial amount of attention online.
Since then, I've done 6 more humorous photoshoots with him, along with a few others with him and my other friends. With my camera I've also gotten even further into filmmaking with them, and as of now we're currently producing our second film of substantial length, our first with my camera.
I'm also getting into landscapes, though I've yet to go out and take any photos myself.